“Hlala Nami (Tribute To Winnie Khumalo)” is a heartfelt gospel track by South African artist Sdala B, released exclusively on YouTube on January 8, 2025.
For a visual experience of the album or Download, here’s a YouTube Mp3 playlist On Fakaza.
Sdala B, known for his versatility across genres, crafted this tribute to honor the late Winnie Khumalo, a celebrated South African musician who passed away at the age of 51 after a short illness.
The song showcases Sdala B’s deep respect for Khumalo’s legacy, blending soulful melodies with poignant lyrics that reflect her impact on the South African music scene.
For a visual experience, you can watch the official audio of “Hlala Nami (Tribute To Winnie Khumalo)” below:
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