Dalom Kids – Africa Unite: Dalom Kids is a renowned South African female vocal trio that emerged in the late 1980s. The group was formed by the late Daniel “Dalom” Tshanda, who brought together vocalists Petronella Rampou, Jacqueline Rotwana, and later Martha Nzaima. Their music blends gospel-like chants with electronic beats, creating a distinctive sound that has resonated across Africa.
New Release: “Africa Unite”
On December 13, 2024, Dalom Kids released “Africa Unite,” featuring Mr Brown and HlakazenSA. This track is part of their album “Collaborations With Friends” and showcases their commitment to producing music that promotes unity and resilience.
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Top 15 Songs by Dalom Kids
Here is a selection of Dalom Kids’ notable tracks:
No. | Song Title | Release Year |
1 | “Mbalembale” | 1989 |
2 | “Nomathemba” | 1990 |
3 | “Ndincedeni” | 1991 |
4 | “Sixolele” | 1992 |
5 | “Bazolungu” | 1993 |
6 | “Ncedani” | 1994 |
7 | “Izidunduma” | 1995 |
8 | “Ndivhiseni” | 1997 |
9 | “Nomalizo” | 2001 |
10 | “Awulaleli” | 2004 |
11 | “Celebrate” | 2017 |
12 | “Revenge” | 2017 |
13 | “Hangwi” | 2024 |
14 | “Morao” | 2024 |
15 | “Africa Unite” | 2024 |
These tracks highlight Dalom Kids’ enduring presence and influence in the South African music scene.
For a visual experience of “Africa Unite,” you can watch the official visualizer below:
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